Monday, July 21, 2008

Museum of Fine Arts

Housing one of the largest art collection in the US, the Museum of Fine Arts is a must-see for art lovers who happen to drop by Boston. Sitting for more than a year in its current location, the building that houses the museum is a masterpiece by itself built in 1907.

I have taken pictures of some items and places that caught my interest and attention which I am sharing in this post.

Dome ceiling

Asian art

In one of the corridors, I saw this glass-like things and their reflections near the cafeteria.

Other pictures and galleries

Stair lobby

Other galleries

Claude Monet paintings

Other paintings

Vincent Van Gogh paintings

More Claude Monet paintings

Art of the Ancient World, including egyptian tombs and relics

More pictures are available in multiply. Just add me as a friend to view them.


  1. you lucky guy, basking in all the art in there... :)

  2. ohh gosh, any place you never been to? :) nice blog by the way...

  3. i've never been anywhere near europe :D
